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Real Estate Photography – Students and alumni got tips from the professional

Die Teilnehmer_innen des CEC Updates Immobilienfotografie


Michael Mrkvicka with some of the alumni and students

Creating high-quality real estate photos does not have to be complicated! This is what the participants of the CEC Update "Real Estate Photography - Put your real estate objects in scene" experienced on July 19, 2019. Mag. Michael Mrkvicka gave practical tips for real estate photos that stand out from the competition.

The basics of real estate photography
Which are the most important camera settings? Do I need a tripod, and in which light do I take the best photograph? In the CEC update, the participants received answers to all these questions and many other practical tips in a compact form. In addition, typical everyday examples were recreated and photographed together. Whether inside or outside, large or small room - in the end, all participants were able to stage real estate independently.

Tips from the professional
The CEC update for our students and alumni was conducted by Mag. Michael Mrkvicka. He studied photography and camera at the Filmakademie Wien. Through his education, he also found the way to photography, which became next to the film his second great passion. Since then he works as a freelance photographer and cameraman and directs his own film production in Vienna. He also passes on his experience in a wide range of workshops. Through his many years working for a brokerage firm, he was able to gather valuable know-how, especially in the field of real estate and architectural photography, which now also benefits the participants in his workshops.

Follow-up seminar planned
Do you also want to learn to make real estate photos that stand out from the competition? Another seminar on this topic is planned. If you are interested, you are welcome to register for this without any obligation at alumni(at)