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NEW: Our Quick Start Guide, a fast introduction to research data management (RDM)

This overview of the most important topics and tools is intended to serve as a cheat sheet and companion for researchers at TU Wien on their way to good RDM practice.

Graphik: wild jumble of folder icons, TU Wien logo at bottom left

Is it possible to become an RDM professional in 5 minutes? Certainly not. But you can get an initial overview in a few minutes with the RDM Quick Start Guide, opens a file in a new window and continue reading as needed.

Just like a data management plan, this guide is a living document that is updated regularly. You can always find the latest version on our homepage. If you have any questions or comments on the notes, please let us know. And if you think something important is missing, we will be happy to include it. In a compact form and, if necessary, with a link to further information so that the guide still fits on one page and can be read in less than 5 minutes.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien