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RDA Austria

Within the European organisation of Research Data Alliance exists an Austrian node. RDA Austria will hold its second General Assembly on 17 December 2019.

RDA Europe, Icon of the Austrian RDA Node

RDA Austria

After the RDA Europe Workshop in Vienna in November 2017, the Austrian RDA Node was founded. This node is dedicated to the representation of new research and data management communities throughout Austria. It also aims to facilitate national and transnational engagements and to address data-related issues of crucial importance for the Austrian research community and the general public.

The current coordinators and founding members of RDA Austria Paolo Budroni, Raman Ganguly, Andreas Rauber, Tomasz Miksa, Barbara Sánchez und Seyavash Amini. However, the node activities, as well as those of RDA at an international level, are open to all interested parties.

You can join the group directly on the RDA website, opens an external URL in a new window.

Would you like to have more information about RDA Austria? Please contact


RDA Austria general assembly

Time: 17 December 2019, 16:00 to 18:00

Location: Lecture Room of the TU Wien Bibliothek (5th floor – Location map, opens an external URL in a new window)

Address: TU Wien Bibliothek, Resselgasse 4, A-1040 Vienna