All news at TU Wien


[Translate to English:] Ausstellung von Studierenden an der TU Wien. Zu sehen sind viele Menschen, die sich die Poster von den Studierenden anschauen.

We are pleased to invite all interested visitors to RAUM23. This year's motto is: "Perception of space and joint design of urban spaces". From Monday, November 6, to Friday, November 10, the exhibition of student projects will be open daily from 3 pm (location: TVFA-Halle, opens an external URL in a new window). Exciting program events such as film evenings, lectures, workshops and panel discussions will be offered every day.

Panel discussion & Closing party

At the end of dieRaum23, we would like to invite you to the panel discussion "Current appropriation strategies for vacant space in Vienna". The panel discussion will take place on Friday, November 10 at 5 pm and will deal with a special form of existing buildings: vacancies. The panelists will contribute different professional perspectives on the topic of vacant properties and the various forms of their appropriation. Among others are:

  • Arthur Kanonier (TU Vienna - Land Policy and Land Management)
  • Jutta Kleedorfer (former interim use officer of the City of Vienna)
  • Sarah Kumnig (TU Vienna - Sociology)
  • Thomas Ritt (AK Vienna - Municipal Policy and Affordable Housing)
  • Cornelia Lein (Vienna Business Agency)
  • Moderation: Wolfgang Gerlich (PlanSinn)

Following the panel discussion, we cordially invite you to the closing party of Raum23! The Spatial Planning Student Council (Fachschaft) is supporting the event with drinks and good music. So come along and celebrate with us the end of an eventful exhibition week of this year's dieRaum!