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Publication is out now: How Pandemics Shape the Metropolitan Space

LIT Verlag has just published the book "How Pandemics Shape the Metropolitan Space - Impact of Covid-19 on Urban Development in Vienna and Tokyo

Bookcover of the publication

© LIT Verlag

Bookcover How Pandemic Shapes


Several authors from TU Wien and its partner institutions contributed to this book which has been funded byStadt Wien Kultur and JASEC.

This book examines the impact of the recent global health crisis on the urban development of Vienna and Tokyo. Contributions from fields such as regional, landscape, or transport planning as well as urban sociology and cultural anthropology illustrate that, in these capitals, the effects of the pandemic on urban space have been both immediate and long-term. At the same time, they show that historical and cultural contexts influence the way cities have dealt with the challenges posed by COVID-19.

Available via the publisherLIT Verlag, opens an external URL in a new window .