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Publication consulting at universities

A guide for the development of publication support services, edited by Karin Lackner, Lisa Schilhan and Christian Kaier (University of Graz)

Cover of the guide

Cover of the guide, design: Maria Arndt (transcript Verlag)

Publication advice centres at universities support researchers in the successful dissemination of their research results and thus contribute to the visibility of research achievements. They help with legal and financial issues, organise workshops and often offer their own publication infrastructures.

Support in setting up and operating such service points is provided by the handbook Publikationsberatung an Universitäten, opens an external URL in a new window, which has now been published as a practice guide by the transcript Verlag. Staff members of the publication service of the University of Graz Library have gathered their know-how and experience, initiated and coordinated the production of the guide, collected further contributions from a cross-institutional editorial team and finally published the guide with the support of the University of Graz.

The guide has a CC BY licence and is available to everyone in Open Access. At, opens an external URL in a new window you will find a supplementary collection of links and materials on the topic. The materials can be used for your own lectures and workshops. The guide itself is divided into two parts.

Aspects of scientific publishing

In the first part, the guide deals with various practical aspects of scientific publishing. The topics range from publishing scientific journals and books to information on copyright, open licences and economic integrity in the publication process, open access financing and the visibility of scientific publications. Research data also has its place here: in a joint contribution, staff members of the TU Wien Library and the Centre for Research Data Management of the TU Wien provide insights into the publishing of research data and the development of supporting services at the TU Wien.

Structure and services of a publication consultancy

The second part of the guide deals with the concrete structure and the offers of a publication service tailored to the needs of universities. In this section, the publication services of Graz University and TU Graz report on their practical experience and share their expert knowledge. This part is supplemented by a "Roadmap for the establishment of a publication support service" with considerations and clear recommendations in the appendix of the publication.

Further reading

Karin Lackner, Lisa Schilhan, Christian Kaier (Hg.): Publikationsberatung an Universitäten - Ein Praxisleitfaden zum Aufbau publikationsunterstützender Services. Bielefeld: transcript 2020., opens an external URL in a new window


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
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