All news at TU Wien

Project presentation M-DAB

Material Resources of the City - Digitize, Analyze and Manage sustainably.

[Translate to English:] Schematische Darstellung der Zielsetzung im Projekt M-DAB

© simlab

[Translate to English:] Schematische Darstellung der Zielsetzung im Projekt M-DAB

In the context of the City of the Future thematic workshop: "Digital Building Industry - Innovative Process and Organizational Cultures for the Digital Future" the project M-DAB has been presented. The project dealt with the qualitative and quantitative analysis and recording, as well as digitization and spatial visualization of material quantities in Vienna's building stock. The project focused on the simulation of material flows (through demolition and new construction) in order to show recycling possibilities and to make them technically accessible and usable. The interdisciplinary project consortium led by the Simlab, opens an external URL in a new window consists of researchers and practitioners from the disciplines of spatial planning, architecture, civil engineering (with a focus on materials and waste management) and computer science.


More information on the M-DAB project:, opens an external URL in a new window, opens an external URL in a new window


S. Bindreiter, J. Forster, J. Fellner, A. Gassner, J. Lederer, W. Lorenz, G. Wurzer, M. Mitteregger, P. Pöllauer (2021): M-DAB – Materialressourcen der Stadt digitalisieren, analysieren und nachhaltig bewirtschaften. Projektendbericht für FFG im Rahmen des Programms Stadt der Zukunft, 6. Ausschreibung. (in Review)