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Project database: entry page and open tasks

I am very pleased to inform you that there will be a great new extension in the PDB (project database) before Christmas.

[Translate to English:] PDB neue Übersicht

[Translate to English:]

When you enter the PDB, opens an external URL in a new window, you can see all open tasks for your current projects at a glance under "Project database" and the familiar project overview, collective internal order overview.

Depending on your role within the project database, other tasks can also be displayed, e.g. project evaluation, cost compensation or project completion. Up to now, you could view all projects in the project overview that you managed yourself as a project manager or supported as an assigned secretary. In addition, you can view all projects of the assigned organisational units (this area is mainly relevant for heads of organisational units). Until now, it was not possible to see at a glance which tasks were currently open in the individual projects. The new view "My Tasks" now clearly displays the open tasks according to roles.

This new information area is primarily intended to make the approval process more transparent and to prevent "traffic jams". The user should be able to see at a glance what needs to be done and which projects are currently active.

Enclosed you will find detailed documentation, opens a file in a new window (only in german available).

For feedback and questions, please contact us at!