All news at TU Wien

Project PASSt!

The PASSt project, short for "Predictive Analytics Services for Student Success Management," has been successfully completed! TU Wien led this project in collaboration with partners JKU Linz, Uni Graz, and WU Wien.

The outcome of the project, which was realized within the "Digital and Social Transformation in Higher Education" call for proposals from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science, and Research, is a versatile tool for monitoring and forecasting examination activity and student success. Its aim is to assist universities in strategically planning measures to enhance student manageability and success. A crucial element of PASSt is the analysis of student data to comprehend and optimize pathways through higher education.

During this process, data from TISS is aggregated and processed to be made available to analytical systems. Data was queried from the TISS tables and provided in a comprehensive database to enable detailed evaluations and analyses. Emphasis is placed on data privacy, with personal information rendered unidentifiable.