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Program Kick-off for international MSc Renewable Energy Systems

Colombia, India, Nigeria, Croatia – these are just a few of the nationalities represented in our new cohort of the interdisciplinary MSc Renewable Energy Systems.

Students showing personal objects to share their passions

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 Student Profile 16th Cohort MSc Renewable Energy Systems

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16th Cohort of the MSc Renewable Energy Systems and Program Team

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On Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 9 am CEST the program team met online with the 15 participants, who were glad, that they finally met their colleagues and could start the program after the postponed start from March 2020, that was caused by Covid19 restrictions.

Program Kick-off for international MSc Renewable Energy Systems. After a few welcoming words from academic director Reinhard Haas, Karin Mottl from our partner Energiepark Bruck/Leitha and the program team, the class started a morning lecture full of team building activities. They shared their passions by showing a personal object (or even live objects such as a 12 weeks old puppy) and telling the story behind, they learned about each other’s home country and discussed their expectations about the program. The participants share a common educational interest and goal but come from different backgrounds (view student profile in picture 4) - they are brought together by their urge to take active steps towards a more sustainable future.

After this easy-going start, they already heard lectures on the principles of renewable energy and experienced a little throwback moment, when they had to face mathematical calculations last heard many years ago in high school. This first module is all about the underlying principles and getting all participants on the same page before they can dive in deeper during the upcoming two years that will prepare them for decision-making roles in the international renewables energy sector.

Program Facts

The part-time MSc Renewable Energy Systems is the first cross-border course in Austria dealing with the future issues of alternative energy production. The complementary strenghts of TU Wien and Energiepark Bruck/Leitha make this MSc an outstanding opportunity to satisfy the global market demands. It is the first international university program in Austria dedicated to renewable energy production. 

Key Facts

Final Degree: Master of Science (MSc)
Academic Director: Univ.Prof.Dr.techn. Reinhard Haas
Language: English
Duration: 4 Semesters
Location: Vienna & Bruck/Leitha
Structure: part-time, blocked modules
Next Program Start: 2021
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