All news at TU Wien

PRES 2019

Biofluidslab at the 22nd Conference on Process Integration for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction - Pres 19, October 20–23, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece

Pres 2019 Program Title

Biofluidslab was present at the Pres 2019 Conference with one contribution:

Michael  Harasek, Benjamin  Lukitsch, Paul  Ecker, Christoph  Janeczek, Martin Elenkov, Thomas Keck, Bahram Haddadi, Christian Jordan, Susanna Neudl, Claus Krenn, Roman Ullrich, Margit Gfoehler: "Fully resolved computational (CFD) and experimental analysis of pressure drop and blood gas transport in a hollow fiber membrane oxygenator module, opens an external URL in a new window";
Chemical Engineering Transactions, 76, 193-198 DOI:10.3303/CET1976033