All news at TU Wien

Zielnetz 2040 conference

Bernhard Rüger behind speaker's desk

© ÖBB / Lukas Leonte

Presentation of Ass.Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rüger

In cooperation with ÖBB Infrastruktur AG, BMK and SCHIG mbH, the Research Unit of Track-bound Transportation Systems organised the Zielnetz 2040 conference in the Kuppelsaal of the TU Wien. The purpose of this conference was to shed scientific light on the development process of the technical draft from the perspective of the methodological approach.

The Zielnetz 2040 is the long-term expansion strategy for railway infrastructure in Austria. The draft of the Zielnetz 2040 was developed jointly by the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology (BMK), ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG and Schieneninfrastruktur-Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH (SCHIG mbH). During the preparation of the technical draft, new and expansion projects were identified, evaluated and selected in the form of modules.

After the welcoming address and consideration of the topic "Science in relation to the railway system" by Ass.Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rüger as host, further introductory keynote speeches were given by the head of the "Transport" section and interim head of the "Mobility" section DIin Vera Hofbauer, the board member of ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG DIin Jundith Engel and the managing director of SCHIG mbH Dr Stefan Weiss.

The modules "Demand, supply and timetable", "Modelling", "Evaluation" and "Technical elaboration" were then analysed in detail in four breakout sessions and critically discussed. The very successful event with over 150 participants from science, administration, the private sector and interest groups as well as students and other interested parties concluded with a panel discussion with DI Ulrich Flamm (BMK, Section II, responsible for the Zielnetz 2040), DI Felix Sternath (ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, GB AM, Head of Network Development, Prof. Dr Günter Emberger (TU Wien, Head of the Institute of Transportation) and Jan Ilík (České dráhy, Head of International Affairs).