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Podcast Zukunft Stadt #12 Wohnen im Bestand

[Translate to English:] Cover der Podcastfolge

In the twelfth episode curated by Judith Lehner and Margarete Haderer, architect Silja Tillner and sociologist Christoph Reinprecht discuss the challenges and potential of living in existing buildings and the need for experimental spaces in residential construction. Silja Tillner calls for more flexibility in dealing with standards in order to enable innovative forms of living, while Christoph Reinprecht emphasises how important adaptable structures are for the well-being of residents. Judith Lehner addresses the challenges faced by various disciplines when it comes to existing housing in the context of socio-ecological transformation. Margarete Haderer poses the question of how building can be taken further in times of climate crisis, given the continuing desire for new single-family homes despite the urgent need to reduce new construction.

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