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Planning assessment of the municipal soil protection plan

Barbara Steinbrunner and Arthur Kanonier prepared a planning assessment of the municipal soil protection plan of the Association of Municipalities.

Start of the municipal soil protection plan

© Gemeindebund

The Austrian Association of Municipalities published a draft for a municipal soil protection plan in March 2024. After a revision period until the end of September 2024, the final version of the soil protection plan has now been adopted by the Association of Municipalities. During this revision period, the Association of Municipalities conducted surveys with municipalities and interested members of the public. In addition to these surveys, Arthur Kanonier, opens an external URL in a new window and Barbara Steinbrunner , opens an external URL in a new windowfrom the Soil Policy and Soil Management research department also drew up a planning assessment. This served to evaluate and further develop the measures in the draft from a planning perspective. The municipal soil protection plan was also presented and discussed as part of a research project in the Salzkammergut region, opens an external URL in a new window.

Further information and the soil protection plan can be found here, opens an external URL in a new window.