All news at TU Wien

Planer:innentag 2024: 50 Jahre Örtliche Raumplanung TU Wien

That was this year's Planer:innentag on the topic of transformation and renewal in existing buildings: shaping change.

[Translate to English:] Color photograph above the rooftops of Vienna with a view of St. Stephen's Cathedral.

© Tyran Petar

This year's Planer:innentag on 23rd and 24th May 2024 offered the opportunity to look back as well as look ahead on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Research Unit Local Planning (ifoer). The multiple challenges of our time call on local authorities at all scales to find exemplary solutions for sustainable and resilient spatial development through transformation and renewal of existing structures.

These and other topics were presented and discussed during the two-day event at TUtheSky. In addition to exciting presentations and a panel discussion, guests were also given the opportunity to engage in in-depth bilateral discussions or to enjoy the view over Vienna.

The Moser Prize 2024, opens an external URL in a new window was also awarded in the context of the Planer:innentag 2024. In recognition of the many years of work of University Professor Dr. Friedrich Moser (1926-2023), Emeritus for Local Planning, the Friedrich Moser Award has been presented since 2006 by the Research Department of Local Planning at TU Wien to Austrian municipalities, planning associations, clubs and private institutions for outstanding achievements in the field of local planning.

We would like to thank all the speakers, the moderators and the panelists for their commitment and the conference participants for coming!


Further information and the speakers' slide sets can be found on the dedicated website, opens an external URL in a new window.

The Planer:innentag 2024 was organized by

and supported by

  • Chamber of Civil Engineers for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland | Arch+Ing

Participation in Planer:innentag 2024 was free of charge.
We would like to thank the participating institutions for their financial and organizational support!