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PIDapalooza 2020: an overview

PIDapalooza, a festival for those interested in persistent identifiers (also known as PID Nerds)

 Official PIDapalooza Banner

Official PIDapalooza Banner

PIDapalooza brought together on 29 and 30 January in Lisbon people interested in persistent identifiers (PIDs): their use, their configuration, the connection between them. In short, how to use PIDs in today's research ecosystem with the aim of achieving reproducible and connected research.

However, PIDapalooza is far from being just another conventional conference. On the contrary, each talk is characterized by interaction with the audience and the exchange of ideas.

What has been discussed at PIDapalooza? Some highlights


The EOSC PID Policy, designed for senior decision-makers, aims to provide a framework for FAIR research. The main idea is to define a sustainable, trustworthy PID infrastructure that is suitable for the long-term sustainability of the EOSC.

The first draft of the PID Policy, developed by the FAIR and Architecture working groups, is available in Zenodo, opens an external URL in a new window and feedback can be given through the PID Forum, opens an external URL in a new window. The second version will be published in March 2020.

PID Forum

The PID Forum, opens an external URL in a new window is a platform for the exchange of information about PIDs, developed within the FREYA project.

Among other things, you can find information about best practices, events about PIDs and a Knowledge Hub with stakeholder specific information for libraries, repositories, researchers, etc..

An open question is what will happen to the platform when the project finishes. A feasible solution seems to be to integrate it within EOSC resources and materials, given the importance that PIDs will have for EOSC's federated architectures.

Graphs and connections

A central aspect of working with IDPs is to establish connections between entities (authors, publications, data, events, organizations, instruments ...).

In addition to the connections themselves, we have the visualizations of them (the graphs) and the information we can get from them.

For instance:

Melroy Almeida presented in his talk "Building ORCID Collaboration Networks using PID Graph" the application of the PID Graph in Australia to answer questions like:

  • How do we measure non-traditional research results?
  • How many institutions does this researcher collaborate with?

Alexander Kujath described in his talk "PID for Open Data, opens an external URL in a new window: How GRID PIDs are enabling the Linked Open Data platform SN SciGraph" the enrichment of data with persistent identifiers, especially GRID identifiers for organizations, and their use to build the SN SciGraph, opens an external URL in a new window.

David Shotton, in his talk "In-Text Reference Pointer Identifiers - InTRePIDs, opens an external URL in a new window" presented a new PID developed within the framework of OpenCitations. InTRePID, opens an external URL in a new window enables the performance of citation analysis, as well as the determination of the type of citation and its purpose.


It is impossible to talk about PIDs without talking about metadata. The difficulty is to deal with the quality and richness of metadata.

Another interesting presented initiative was Metadata 2020, opens an external URL in a new window, which aims to ensure the availability of richer, better connected and reusable metadata for all research results.

Further information

There would be many points to highlight and many inspiring talks. PIDapalooza is certainly an event to be recommended.

All presentations are available at Zenodo (PIDapalooza 2020 Zenodo Community, opens an external URL in a new window) and many conversations can be followed on Twitter (@pidapalooza, opens an external URL in a new window and #PIDapalooza2020, opens an external URL in a new window).



Paloma Marín Arraiza

TU Wien Bibliothek

Twitter: @RDMTUWien, opens an external URL in a new window