All news at TU Wien

PDB Plus – Exciting stakeholders – Workshops

PDB Plus – Exciting stakeholders – Workshops

As part of the TISS task PDB Plus, the last six months have seen a continuation of workshops taking place with stakeholders from service units including VR research, FTS, EIFS, IO, project controlling, controlling, personnel administration, funding consultancy and economic cooperation as well as power users from institutes.

Clarifying and defining technical dependencies (as well as terms) in the process chain remains the greatest challenge. "Understanding" why information is required is certainly the greatest benefit of these workshops. Not least, the joint decision as to whether a function is still required in the future or what is still lacking and whether priorities for implementation have been defined jointly was well received.

As soon as an element is developed, it can be tested and feedback can be gathered immediately (or implemented), "actual" developments are presented on the PC and modifications are defined jointly for the next workshop.

We look forward to the autumn, when we shall be making the first phase available - project submission/application!