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Virtual Panel Discussion: Future of Mobility

[Translate to English:] E-Car

Currently, mobility is undergoing fundamental changes. With the technological and social development, the desire and demand on clean, safe, and convenient mobility solution are growing rapidly. The automotive industry is facing great challenges, such as development of emission-free propulsion systems, connected cars, autonomous driving system and others. Additionally, this transformation is strongly influencing the value creation chain of the automotive and supply industry. Because major value creation is done by the supply industry it has to find new strategies to meet such challenges.

In order to discuss the current situation and future trends in the automotive industry and how the mobility sectors have to prepare for the change processes in the future of mobility an online expert talk was held on March 3, 2021. At the event our panelists Prof. Wilfried Sihn (TU Wien, Academic Director of the MBA Automotive Industry), Prof. Sebastian Schlund and Dr. Sandra Stein (TU Wien & Fraunhofer Austria, Academic Directors of the MBA Mobility Transformation) discussed auestions about the future of mobility, the future car and the future business models in mobility services and the automotive industry.

Prof. Sihn mentioned that it is difficult to forecast how the mobility in 2050 looks like. But there will be different kind of “cars” such as autonomous driving cars or systems will be available in future. The mobility systems and possibilities will be depending on where people are located such as in a mega city or in a more rural area or a small village. For this reason there will be no single solution for the future mobility. Surely there will be big changes in the automotive industry and supply industry. Prof Schlund talked about the most important questions are the needs and activities of the persons and societies in the future. In order to find solutions for the future mobility the transformation of personal and society’s need should be considered. Dr. Stein mentioned two different pathways to go: first, a technology shift which will cause further changes in mobility solutions but also a mind-shift of the stakeholders in the mobility sector. If we look into the year 2050 the wish would be see a climate neutral, connected, and automated mobility. According to the panelists, the future mobility will not distinguish between passenger and freight mobility. In further discussions they talked about the climate neural energy production systems, cost benefit of the sharing system, new players like google, amazon, new business models to forecast the peoples’ behavior, digital infrastructure and others. From the audience there were many questions which were answered for example, the comparison between Chinese and European E-Mobility-Situation.

All these actual questions are also discussed in our two MBA programs focusing on mobility and the automotive sector.

The MBA Automotive Industry, opens an external URL in a new window is a unique MBA Program for Automotive and Supply Industry with the focus on the areas of production, logistics and Industry 4.0 in the automotive industry.
Program start:  June 7, 2021

For more Information please visit:, opens an external URL in a new window

The MBA Mobility Transformation, opens an external URL in a new window is a brand-new MBA Program to shape the path to zero-emission mobility by 2050.
Program Start: May 27, 2021

For more Information please visit:, opens an external URL in a new window