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Pan-European Seal Traineeship Program – now open for applications!

Special traineeship opportunities for TU Wien Graduates at the European Patent office

Until end of March students of TU Wien with bachelor or Masters degree can apply for a 12-month paid traineeship at the European Patent Office.

TU Wien is one of the strategic partner universities in the <link https: knowledge course _blank link_extern>Pan-European Seal Traineeship Programme. This offers young TU Wien graduates (bachelor's or master's degree) the opportunity to gain valuable on-the-job professional work experience in the multicultural environment of the European Patent Office (EPO). Students interested in the growing market of patents and intellectual property can apply for a 12-month paid traineeship post sponsored by the EPO.

Each strategic partner university is entitled to submit a yearly shortlist of five deserving candidates to the EPO, from which the trainees will be selected, according to each student’s profile and considering the Offices’ needs.

If you are interested, please send your expression of interest until March 30th 2018 per E-mail to the Research& Transfer Support of TU Wien (<link> indicating your field of competence (e.g. chemical, mechanical, computing engineering, etc.). You will be then informed about the next steps. Full applications have to be submitted by April 16th 2018.

For further information and requirements go to <link https: _blank>Pan-European Seal Traineeship @ TU Wien


Image 1: Matthias Heisler - TU Austria