All news at TU Wien

ORCID Austria Tech-Workshop

Would you like to learn more about the technical integration of ORCID or observe and discuss the development of ORCID in Austria?

Women sits in front of a computer with ORCID logo

Use your ORCID iD. Source: What is ORCID?

Then you are cordially invited to the second workshop of ORCID Austria at the TU Wien.

What is it about?

The workshop focuses on the aspects of the technical implementation of ORCID. Especially the implementation in OJS and DSpace / DSpace-CRIS will be discussed.

The second part of the workshop has a practical character with the help of break-out groups. It will addresses the challenges and future plans for the integration of ORCID in the different institutional systems.


When and where?

On April 2nd 2020 from 9:15 to 16:15.

Seminar room AB 10A

TU Wien Campus Getreidemarkt

Getreidemarkt 9, 1060 Vienna (map, opens an external URL in a new window)


Programme and registration

Further information as well as the complete programme and the registration form can be found under the following link:, opens an external URL in a new window

The participation is free of charge.



This workshop is funded and supported by EOSC Secretariat, EOSC Co-Creation Budget, opens an external URL in a new window