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Open Science information from the European Commission

Do you want to gain insights into the latest news, events and publications from the EC related to Open Science? We give you a short overview on where to find them.

A circular graphic illustation of the characteristics of Open Science (open access to publications, open research data and open scholarly communication) and their indicators.

The “Open Science Wheel” (created by the Open Science Monitor) describes key Open Science characteristics and indicators [1]

Where to find the latest news, events, publications and information regarding Open Science topics

The European Commission’s Open Science Website, opens an external URL in a new window offers you a broad range of information:

  • The “Home” section contains the latest news such as events, documents and publications regarding current updates in the area of Open Science.
  • The “Open Access” sections gives you an overview, how Open Access is defined by the European Commission, especially regarding peer-reviewed scientific publications and the pilot on Open Access to research data in Horizon 2020. It offers a point, where to find needed guidelines such as Open Access to scientific publications and research data and/or the guidelines on data management for projects. You can find also further publications for example about FAIR, EOSC, IPR and knowledge transfer, which allow gaining a deep insight into topics around Open Science.
  • The section “European Open Science Cloud” leads you to the latest implementation plans of EOSC, as well as reports from experts about EOSC, which are analysing various aspects of how the EOSC can effectively interlink people, data, services and training, publications, projects and organisations. A report about FAIR describes the analysis of needs how to implement FAIR, providing concrete recommendations and actions.
  • If you want to know what the OSPP is and how it will advise the European Commission on the development of Open Science, have a look into the section “Open Science Policy Platform”. The FAQ part of this section answers a broad set of questions such as its goals and membership.
  • Are you interested in topics such as indicators of Open Science, reward systems in the context of Open Science, or how to build up skills and competencies needed to practice Open Science? Have a look into the section “Groups”!
  • The section “Open Science Monitor” contains information on latest trends for Open Access to publications, open research data, as well as for open collaboration. The Open Science Monitor allows you to get quantitative and qualitative insights on the development of Open Science practices.

Top 3 Open Science recommendations to start with

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[1] O'Carroll, Conor & Kamerlin, Shina & Kohl, Ulrike & Brennan, Niamh & Hyllseth, Berit & O'Neill, Gareth & Berg, Rinske. (2017). Written by The Working Group on Education and Skills under Open Science Providing researchers with the skills and competencies they need to practise Open Science Report of the Working Group on Education and Skills under Open Science. DOI: 10.2777/121253, opens an external URL in a new window.


Technische Universität Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Resselgasse 4 (TU Wien Bibliothek), 1040 Vienna

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