All news at TU Wien

Online Workshop “FAIR for Sensitive Data”

Join us on 23rd March 2022 to learn about technical and legal aspects of working with sensitive data, methods, and tools for privacy-preserving data mining/analysis and how to be FAIR with sensitive data.

A graph from the Wellfort project showing the relationship between different tools and data users.


The goal of the workshop is to inform researchers on technical and legal aspects of working with sensitive data. The workshop will introduce them to tools that can be used for data anonymization, privacy-preserving processing, generation of synthetic data, etc. This will include demos of selected tools for privacy-preserving data mining/analysis. Furthermore, the participants will learn about the WellFort, opens an external URL in a new window platform that integrates these tools and provides novel means for consent management.


  • Introduction, Barbara Sanchéz, Tomasz Miksa (FAIR Office Austria)
  • Methods and tools for privacy-preserving data mining / analysis, Rudolf Mayer and Tanja Šarčević (both SBA Research)
  • Legal aspects of data sharing and access, Gerald Sendera (SBA Research)
  • WellFort – Auditable Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis Platform, Andreas Ekelhard (SBA Research), Fajar Juang Ekaputra (TU Wien), Laura Waltersdorfer (TU Wien)
  • Wrap up, Barbara Sanchéz, Tomasz Miksa (FAIR Office Austria)

Further information and registration

Please visit the workshop’s website, opens an external URL in a new window for further information and registration.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien