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Online workshop “Energy consumption data at universities” on 22.02.2023

Semester conclusion of the RDM in Austria webinar series with a contribution by Thomas Bednar, Head of the Institute of Material Technology, Building Physics, and Building Ecology at TU Wien.

The outlines of a house are formed on a cork sheet with needles and string.  To the right, coloured arrows labelled A to G, which are used to indicate the energy efficiency of buildings (energy performance certificate classes) and appliances, are attached.

Image: Mattiagenini -

Energy costs have risen sharply in recent months and every household is feeling it. But what is the best way to reduce energy consumption in buildings? Many universities have been running research projects on this topic for some time now, dealing with a wide variety of issues. This webinar will present examples of how energy consumption data is handled in the projects and which data is relevant.

You are cordially invited!


  • Welcome - Hermann Schranzhofer, TU Graz
  • Innovation District Inffeld – INFRAMONITOR - Gerald Schweiger, TU Graz
  • Gesamtenergieverbrauch in Gebäuden – Typische Daten und Metadaten - Thomas Bednar, TU Wien

About the event series

Depending on the topic, the event series Research Data Management in Austria, opens an external URL in a new window is aimed at researchers, service providers, or people involved in research support. It serves networking and exchange on RDM topics, such as data management plans, next generation repositories, or established workflow models.

More information and registration

Please visit the event website, opens an external URL in a new window for more information and registration.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien