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ÖREK partnership „Spatial dimensions of digitization“

Fachveranstaltung #2 | Freitag, 8. Oktober 2021 |digitales Event

Slide for the event "ÖREK Partnership - Spatial Dimensions of Digitalization. Technical event #2, virtual event. October 8, 2021, 9:30-13:30).

Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the second virtual and public expert event of the ÖREK partnership on Friday, October 8, 2021, from 9:30-13:30.

The discussion will focus on the digital transformation of the working world and the question of how to deal with the accompanying spatial changes from the perspective of spatial planning, such as the hybridization of living space, the increase in importance of location-independent work, but also the uneven spatial distribution of digitalization potential.

Inspiring input will be provided by renowned speakers: As a keynote, Thomas Kralinski (former head of the State Chancellery and State Secretary of the State of Brandenburg) will speak about innovation corridors as an answer to the spatial impact of digitization and provide insight into the future vision for Berlin-Brandenburg.

In the closing dialogue, initiatives from Switzerland, Upper Austria and Tyrol will be presented that are dedicated to new forms of organization such as coworking and teleworking, but also to the very central question of the further development of skilled workers.

Registration is now open at, opens an external URL in a new window
Program and further information can be found online at:, opens an external URL in a new window

We cordially invite you to participate and to join in the discussion!