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ÖGR Online Dialog: ÖREK 2030

Cover of ÖREK 2030


The Austrian Society for Spatial Planning (ÖGR) in cooperation with the Research Unit Land Policy and Land Management once again organized an online dialogue on December 1, 2021. The managing director of ÖROK, Mag. Markus Seidl, presented the Austrian Spatial Development Concept ÖREK 2030, its development process as well as implementation initiatives.

ÖREK 2030 follows the established scheme of updating the Austrian spatial development strategy at 10-year intervals. Under the title "Raum für Wandel" ("Space for Change"), the main focus is to emphasize the necessary transformation processes. The concept still has a recommendatory character, but with the claim to be more implementation-oriented. With the decision by the political ÖROK on October 20, 2021, this should now also succeed. As a special feature, Markus Seidl emphasized the Young Experts, who were involved in the entire drafting process and were able to contribute the view of the future perspective of spatial planning in Austria.

Based on the core question "How do we shape change in view of climate change and megatrends?", a holistic mission statement with principles and goals was drafted. Based on this, a comprehensive action program with a 10-point program was developed in the sense of implementation-oriented design. In addition, implementation pacts based on the ÖREK 2030, "Land Strategy for Austria" and "Space for Building Culture - Strengthening Local and Urban Cores and Opening Space for Building Culture", are to contribute to an implementation of the principles and objectives.

The ÖREK 2030 can be found at:, opens an external URL in a new window