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ÖGR Forum Spatial Planning 26/04/2022 06:00 pm - Spatial Planning and the Rights of Nature

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The relationship between man and nature is strained. For many decades, proposals have been discussed to grant subjective rights to nature and the environment. In his 1949 Land Ethics, Aldo Leopold called for certain minimum rights for the "land community." Christopher Stone, a legal historian, raised and affirmed the question of rights for trees, animals, waters, and the environment in 1972. Tom Regan, Peter Singer, and Christine Korsgaard called for respect for animal rights. Various states have already incorporated rights of nature into their legal systems (e.g. Ecuador in 2008, Bolivia in 2010, New Zealand in 2014, India in 2017). Currently, there is a legal policy discussion in the European Parliament on the recognition of rights of nature.

In a short introduction, Verena Madner and Ben Davy will present important points of the current state of discussion on rights of nature. In addition, they will discuss the question of how rights of nature could affect spatial planning in Austria.

ÖGR Forum Raumplanung
26/04/2022, 06:00 pm
Karlsgasse 11
1040 Vienna

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