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ÖGR Forum Raumplanung 30.11.2022, 16:30 - Distribution of competences in spatial planning

Poster ÖGR Forum Raumplanung

With reliable regularity, politicians criticise the distribution of competences in spatial planning. They say that the municipalities are overburdened, that spatial planning law is too complex, that supra-local spatial planning is too slow, that overall many things cannot be implemented and that everything would be much better with federal spatial planning. It does not take long for the Association of Towns and Municipalities to react to such statements, but which criticism of the current distribution of competences is actually valid from a professional perspective?

In a keynote speech, Prof. Arthur Kanonier will discuss the context of the current distribution of competences and present ideas for reform projects and put them up for discussion. On the one hand, the question of federal spatial planning and thus legislation and, on the other hand, the question of enforcement at the local level will be discussed.

30.11.2022, 16:30 Uhr Karlsgasse 11 1040 Wien

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