All news at TU Wien

ÖGG Promotion Award


© TU Wien, Institute of Geotechnics

Univ.Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Mario Hager

Since 1995, the ÖGG (Austrian Society for Geomechanics) sponsorship prize has been awarded to diploma theses graded "Very Good" which were written at Austrian universities in the field of geology and geomechanics. Dipl.-Ing. Mario Hager, a member of staff at the Institute of Geotechnics, Research Department for Foundation Engineering Soil and Rock Mechanics, dealt with the measured values of the FDVK for vibratory rollers in the course of his diploma thesis. He succeeded in calculating the most common measured values from a basic raw data set obtained in the course of large-scale experimental field tests, discussing them with each other and comparing them. Any discrepancies and commonalities with research work already completed in this field were also pointed out and elaborated. Mario Hager can look forward to a monetary award of € 1,500.00 as the winner of the ÖGG sponsorship prize.