All news at TU Wien

October 25, 2019 ImmQu Best of Five Immograduates 2019 – the best Real Estate Graduates were honored

The prize for the best master thesis went to TU Wien alumnus Michael Meier

[Translate to English:] ImmQu Award

October 25, 2019

ImmQu Best of Five Immograduates 2019 – the best Real Estate Graduates were honored

The prize for the best master thesis went to TU Wien alumnus Michael Meier



On Thursday, October 24, 2019, ImmQu - the Association for the Promotion of Quality in the Real Estate Industry invited for the third time to the award ceremony "Best of Five Immograduates". This year, the gala took place at the FH Vienna and many guests came to meet the best graduates of the past year.

The five best of the year were already determined in advance on the basis of the best grade averages. They were each awarded a trophy and prize money of € 1,000. This year's best of the TU Wien is Philipp Lapornik, BSc MSc.

Subsequently, five alumni from five postgraduate real estate schools presented their outstanding master theses. The best master thesis was determined by jury and public voting. Mag. Dipl.-Ing. Michael Meier, MSc - alumnus of the TU Wien - was able to convince with the topic of his master thesis "Content Marketing in the Real Estate Industry" and his sovereign presentation. He was awarded the prize for the best master thesis, which was also awarded a trophy and prize money of € 1,000.

We congratulate to these excellent achievements and wish you continued success!

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