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Take your chance now and apply for one of our scholarships for the Learning Sprint “The Digital Roadmap: Essentials”!

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Small and medium-sized enterprises form the backbone of the domestic economy and they too are equally affected by digitalization, regardless of their size and industry. In the domestic SME landscape, awareness of the digital transformation has increased, but there is still a digital catching up to do. The digital (r)evolution has found its way into almost all business areas, executives need to understand technical relationships and create space for ideas and innovation. Only those who have the necessary know-how, recognize market-relevant relationships and thus correctly interpret potential, are in a position to create added value for the company.

Our learning sprint "The Digital Roadmap: Essentials" is aimed specifically at (prospective) managers who want to advance digitization at all levels in their company.

Together with our partner, procon Unternehmensberatung, opens an external URL in a new window, two partial grants are awarded to highly qualified and motivated people who work in SMEs.


Please send your application documents (curriculum vita, letter of motivation, detailed explanation of the points why the scholarship is needed) to by May 9, 2021 at the latest.

You can find more information about the Learning Sprint on our website:, you can also get to know our program at the next information session on May 4, 2021. , opens an external URL in a new window

Next start: May 27, 2021

Application deadline: May 9, 2021