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Three-Dimensional Single Molecule Localization Microscopy Reveals the Topography of the Immunological Synapse at Isotropic Precision below 15 nm

scientific illustration shows zhe 3D topography of the Immunological Synapse

© TU Wien I Biophysics

3D topography of the Immunological Synapse

We published our , opens an external URL in a new window, opens an external URL in a new windowstory on the 3D topography of the Immunological Synapse, opens an external URL in a new window, opens an external URL in a new window in Nano Letters. Here, Lukas used a 3D single molecule localization microscopy technique to localize T-cell receptors in the Immunological synapse with a precision below 15 nm. These findings reveal the importance of the T cell topography in the process of T cell activation.