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New Linux version in the Internet rooms of the

The Internet rooms of the will gradually be converted to a new Linux version starting March 12, based on Linux Mint 19.

From Tuesday, March 12, 2019, a new Linux version (LIZ) will be available again in the Internet rooms of the after 5 years. The conversion will be progressively space by room and will be completed in mid-April. First, the room in Operngasse 11 is converted, followed by the Aulabereiche and the library, subsequently the rooms in Freihaus and last but not least the locations Gußhausstraße, Karlsplatz, cereal market, etc. Since it is almost impossible to completely durchzutesten such a complex system , we can use this approach to better respond to any problems that may arise.

The new LIZ version is Linux Mint, opens an external URL in a new window 19, which is based on the Ubuntu version 18.04 (Bionic Beaver). You can tell from the changed logos on the login screen (LIZ v1804) whether this room has already been converted to the new system. Since this variant offers a wide range of applications and updates for a 5-year support period (Long Term Support), we have remained faithful to this distribution.

The Desktop Manager is again XFCE and except for a few small details the usual look is preserved. Thus, the conversion for you should be associated with no major problems. In theory, it is even possible to switch between the two versions during the changeover phase (if some desktop settings, such as Taskbar, get confused, they are easy to restore). It should also be noted that the Firefox browser since some versions in connection with the TLS handshake problem and the fact that the Homedirectory is on a Samba share, some websites very slowly loads. If this behavior does not improve after some time, we recommend switching to the Chromium browser.

We wish you much success and enjoyment with the new Linux system. If you have problems or questions, just contact our Service Center (Operngasse 11 EG / Kl. 42002) or send an email to