All news at TU Wien

New in the TU Wien academic programme: LVA Introduction into Research Data Management

As of the winter semester 2023/2024, our new VU can be found in the Transferable Skills Catalogue.

Students in a seminar room.

© Drazen -

The Center for Research Data Management is setting up a new pillar: In addition to our technical services and consulting, we would like to focus on RDM training for students in the future. We are therefore pleased to be able to offer a VU on the fundamentals of research data management with three ECTS in TU Wien’s transferable skills catalog, starting in the winter semester 2023/2024: 058.005 Introduction into Research Data Management, opens an external URL in a new window.

Learning outcomes

The aim of the LVA is to teach the correct handling of research data already during education and to create an awareness of topics like Open Science and reproducibility of research at an early stage. Covered are basics such as the FAIR principles, the research data lifecycle, and RDM policies, useful tools like data management plans, persistent identifiers, and licenses, as well as essential technical components of an RDM infrastructure such as repositories and electronic lab notebooks.


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien