All news at TU Wien

New faces at the Center for RDM

Ka Yee Suvini Lai and Lukas Arnhold recently joined the team to work on the OSTrails project.

The photo shows Suvini and Lukas standing in front of a white wall.

© Valentin Futterer

Lukas Arnhold and Suvini Lai

Suvini is a Swedish Master´s Student studying Digital Humanities and focuses on topic modelling, linked open data (LOD), and data stewardship. She joins the OSTrails team as a Project Assistant.

Lukas, a Master’s student at TU Wien, specialised in Software Engineering & Internet Computing. He is currently writing his thesis, which explores the automated evaluation of machine-actionable data management plans (maDMPs). As a Project Assistant with the OSTrails team, his thesis work will play a role in advancing the project’s objectives.

Welcome to the team, Suvini and Lukas!


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna