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New E-Learning register in TISS for TUWEL and LectureTube settings

Recently changes have been made to the E-Learning register inside TISS, which provide new and simpler usage.

The management of e-learning settings in TISS has been moved to a new tab. LectureTube can now be activated and linked to the TUWEL course through this tab. This provides lecturers with an optimized process for creating TUWEL courses or connecting existing TUWEL courses with the LVA in TISS.

Another new feature is that when creating a course, roles for the people involved can now be defined. All LVA leaders and tutors (with or without editing rights) can be registered directly during course creation.

In addition, instructors can choose between manual and automatic publication of LectureTube videos. With manual publication, instructors can edit and publish the recordings themselves through TUWEL, while with automatic publication, the recordings are published with automatically set cutting marks and metadata as soon as they are available. The automatically set data can be adjusted if necessary after publication.

The Campus Software Development Department has thus improved and expanded its e-learning tab in TISS to enable lecturers to manage and publish lecture recordings more comfortably. These innovations enable instructors to make desired settings individually for each course and provide students with a timely and more efficient way to follow their lectures from home or on the go.