All news at TU Wien

New documentation: LINK - a radically innovative energy project

In this new documentation filmed by TU Wien and ENERGY TV24 you will find out more about the concept and how LINK works. At the same time, you will know the people behind the project.

LINK - a radically innovative energy project of the Vienna University of Technology
Renewable energy resources and the increasing share of decentralized generation present a big challenge for power grids. This also includes more and more people who inject electricity from, for example, their own photovoltaic systems into the grid.

Previous grid technologies are slowly reaching their limits. The Institute for Energy Systems and Electrical Drives of the TU Wien is working on a radical and new approach under the direction of Dr. Albana Ilo – LINK.

LINK enables the integration of distributed generation and storage facilities on a large scale and guarantees a reliable and sustainable network operation. This also includes an efficient data exchange with the highest security standards within the network, which is also safe to cyberattacks.

Picture: © ENERGYTV24