All news at TU Wien

New Developments in Wind Energy

A throwback from the second Renewable Energy Talk in 2019

Last Friday, 8.11.2019, the second Renewable Energy Talk 2019 took place in the lecture room of the TU library and more than 70 guests came to hear the talks from our experts on wind energy. The academic director of our MSc Renewable Energy, Prof. Reinhard Haas, welcomed our guests and announced the renowned speakers.

The kick-off was made by Prof. Günther Brauner from the Institute for Energy Systems and Electrical Drives of TU Wien. He shows how energy consumption should develop within the next 30 years in favor of renewable energy sources in order to counteract the effects of climate change. However, the expansion of wind-powered energy sources is, among other things, dependent on the acceptance of the population and the build-up of additional offshore wind parks. The storage problem must be solved accordingly too. Offshore solutions do also have to take into account animal welfare aspects, such as protecting the fish population around offshore wind turbines against noise.

With the slogan "Wind for Future" Mag. Stefan Moidl, Managing Director of the Austrian Wind Energy Association (IG Windkraft), started his talk. The IG Windkraft unites 1900 members, which equals 95% of Austria’s wind capacity. In a good overview, four repowering projects in Austria have been presented where several older wind turbines have been replaced by smaller, but more powerful models to increase capacity tremendously.

Following the two talks, the participants took the opportunity to discuss with the experts. In addition to the current participants of the MSc Renewable Energy System, the audience included graduates and students from other disciplines too. During the subsequent get-together there was ample opportunity for exchange.

The Continuing Education Center and our partner Energiepark Bruck / Leitha are thanking the speakers for their valuable contributions!