All news at TU Wien

NEW at newsletter and online workshops

With the services "aktuell" and "live" the information platform extends its portfolio. Interested? Registration is easy!

Screenshot of the website

Image: Website (18.1.2021)

The platform, opens an external URL in a new window is an information portal on the topic of research data management (RDM), mainly in German language. The website covers a wide range of information: from theoretical basics and practical tips to brief descriptions of regional RDM activities and a comprehensive event calendar. With the two new services, contact with people interested in RDM is now even more direct and interactive.

Always up to date with the newsletter subscription

The newsletter aktuell is aimed at both researchers and RDM support in research institutions. It provides compact information on event highlights, news from the RDM community, and the latest articles at

The individual issues of the newsletter are produced by the editorial team at irregular intervals, as required, and sent out by e-mail.

More information and newsletter subscription, opens an external URL in a new window

Sharing knowledge, discussing questions

These are the goals of the new online workshop series live. The courses in this programme are primarily aimed at researchers who would like to expand their RDM knowledge in a targeted way. The topics of the individual training courses are diverse and, depending on the event, either cross-disciplinary or tailored to specific scientific fields.

After the successful kick-off on research data in the geosciences, journal data policies, copyright, and licences in November, tomorrow's webinar (20.1.2021, 1-2 pm) will focus on the description of research data with DataCite, opens an external URL in a new window - a practical tool for interoperable metadata. You are very welcome to join!

More information and event link, opens an external URL in a new window

Related articles news, opens an external URL in a new window, 28 April 2020


TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 14 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

Twitter: @RDMTUWien