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New paper about the development of an openBIM permit process published

Harald Urban, Simon Fischer and Christian Schranz have published a paper about the development of an openBIM permit process on the example of the City of Vienna in the scientific journal "Buildings".

The image shows the title page of the paper with the journal name, title, authors and address

© Buildings

This publication deals with the introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM) into the building permit process of the City of Vienna. In the BRISE-Vienna project, the current building permit process was analysed in detail in a series of workshops with all key stakeholders and converted into a data-driven, BIM-based process. The results indicate that the developed process not only significantly increases the efficiency and transparency of building permit process, but also represents a decisive step towards integrating the authority into the BIM process of a building.

The full publication can be found here:, opens an external URL in a new window