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New EU research project: TRACE

Our research area MOVE is a partner in the new international research project TRACE!

project TRACE - photograph team

© research project TRACE

project TRACE - photograph team

Our new European research project: TRACE - Integration and Harmonization of Logistics Operations

The TRACE research project is a new HORIZON Europe research project on logistics.

Our MOVE research unit is working with 27 other partners to develop proposals for improvements in the logistics sector. In the wake of the climate crisis, the logistics sector also needs to adapt its thinking and planning quickly and effectively. There is a trend towards the introduction of intelligent services to increase the performance of systems and synchromodal processes and thus also reduce CO2 emissions and traffic pollution. Among other things, the consortium deals with such intelligent services. 

The project kick-off was on 12 and 13 June 2023 in Athens at the "National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - Department of Informatics and Telecommunications". Especially with an international research project of this size, good communication is important for the success of the project. Accordingly, the colleagues looked forward to the start in Greece and took many impressions back to Vienna!

We are looking forward to further cooperation and exciting findings!

More about the project: current projects | Twitter research project TRACE, opens an external URL in a new window