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New Publication: Spatial Dimensions of Digitalization

After almost two years and a variety of digital workshops and conference formats, the ÖREK partnership "Spatial Dimensions of Digitisation" came to a successful end.

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As one of the central transformation processes of the 21st century, the digital transformation has a decisive influence on achieving sustainability goals and ensuring equal living conditions. However, there is often a lack of clarity and awareness with regard to the possible consequences for spatial development and the resulting planning requirements. The partnership, which was launched on behalf of the Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK) in the fall of 2020, accordingly aimed to systematically work through the spatial effects of digitisation in the fields of action of planning for Austria for the first time.

The scientific processing was carried out under the direction of future.lab/ Research Area Local Spatial Planning (Emilia M. Bruck, Rudolf Scheuvens, Madlyn-Anna Miessgang) and with the collaboration of Simon Güntner and Fidelia Gartner (research area sociology), Zukunftsorte (Josef Mathis), LandLuft (Isabel Stumfol), AustriaTech (Natasa Hodzic-Srndic, Maximilian Jäger) and was carried out together with the members of the partnership (representatives: inside the BMLRT, BMK, BMDW, the federal states of Carinthia, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Vorarlberg, Vienna and the Austrian Association of Cities and Towns as well as the Austrian Association of Municipalities) discussed and enriched by practical perspectives.

The cooperative process was flanked by three public online events. A large number of experts from German-speaking countries enriched these events with inspiring presentations and contributions to the discussion, for which we would like to express our sincere thanks.
The publication "Räumliche Dimensionen der Digitalisierung: Fachliche Empfehlungen und Materialienband" (Spatial Dimensions of Digitization: Expert Recommendations and Materials), now published as ÖROK-Schriftenreihe #213, bundles three studies prepared in the framework of the partnership and presents guidelines as well as recommendations for action for actors in spatial and urban development.

Printed copies of the publication as well as a free version for download are available in the ÖROK publication database, opens an external URL in a new window.

Documentation of the three public events , opens an external URL in a new window is available online.