All news at TU Wien

New Professor at the Institute of Solid State Physics - Marta GIBERT

Univ.Prof. Dr.Marta Gibert was appointed as University Professor for Topological and Complex Materials at TU Wien with effect from 1.September 2021. She is assigned to the Institute of Solid State Physics (E138) of the Faculty of Physics.

[Translate to English:] Farbfoto von Marta Gibert

Marta Gibert

Photo of Marta Gibert

Marta Gibert studied Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and was awarded her doctorate in 2009 for his thesis "Self-assembled strain-induced oxide nanostructures grown by chemical solutions, opens an external URL in a new window".During her dissertation, she was already doing research at the IFW-Dresden (Germany), the University of Cambridge (UK) and the Los Alamos National Lab (USA). In 2010 she moved to Switzerland to the University of Geneva with Prof. Triscone, first as a PostDoc, later as "maître assistante". In 2014 she was able to win an "Excellence Research Fellowship" from the University of Geneva, in 2016 she received the "IBM-Condensed Matter Physics prize, opens an external URL in a new window" from the Swiss Physical Society for the study "Unique magnetic coupling at oxide interfaces ”. In 2018, she received a fundingprofessorship from the SNS, opens an external URL in a new window and moved to the University of Zurich.

Marta Gibert's research focuses on the interface physics of oxides and the production of high quality functional heterogeneous structures.E138 - interne und externe Nachrichten