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New home office regulations from April 1, 2021

Tax relief, documentation and more information on home office, the agreement and FAQ.

[Translate to English:]  Desk scene: cat bites into an open laptop while looking at the cell phone.

© Nicole Schipani

On 25.3.2021, the National Council passed legal regulations on home office. These regulations will come into force on 1.4.2021.

The TU Vienna has already adopted a comprehensive guideline for working in a home office on 22.9.2020, which already includes many of these legal regulations. Currently, a few points are still being adapted to the legal requirements.

Tax relief

The home office regulations have also created tax relief: Starting in the 2021 assessment year, flat-rate income-related expenses can be deducted per workday in the home office.

If you already need a certificate for 2020 on the number of home office working days for submission to the tax office, you can download a sample certificate , opens an external URL in a new window from INTRANET at the following link, opens an external URL in a new window (Homeoffice).

Please note that from 1.4.2021 an exact documentation of the home office days is required and therefore a certificate will no longer be sufficient.

All information

For more information on home office, the agreement and FAQ, please visit, opens an external URL in a new window