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New carsharing study with SHARE NOW!

We conducted a digital explorative study in cooperation with the carsharing company SHARE NOW! Today we would like to share our findings with you!




Carsharing in the capital Vienna. What are the motives of SHARE NOW users? What do they use carsharing for? How does all this relate to their frequency of use?

Sharing offers can be found in many (urban) areas. Especially in cities, carsharing can be a good alternative to owning a car. Shared mobility is a promising form of mobility in view of climate change.

About the study

In cooperation with the free-floating carsharing provider SHARE NOW, we conducted an explorative study in Vienna using a digital questionnaire to collect information on motivations, usage patterns and user characteristics.

Almost 2,000 Viennese SHARE NOW users took part in the survey in autumn 2021. According to their statements, they were divided into four types of users (heavy users, regular users, occasional users and non-users).

Monetary incentives in particular are crucial for more regular use. For instance, employers can contribute to this and promote the switch to shared mobility in form of benefits. The city administration can also provide incentives through systematic parking space management (free parking for carsharing users versus increased parking costs for one's own vehicle).

So far, it is predominantly well-educated young men who use carsharing. The survey shows that new, additional target groups must be won over in order to get car sharing into the masses. Consequently, barriers, for example for women, need to be identified and removed.

Our study confirms that easily comprehensible and uncomplicated use, the absence of additional costs (fuel costs and insurance costs already included) as well as a free-floating system are decisive criteria for the willingness to use carsharing services.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank SHARE NOW and the many participants. 

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