All news at TU Wien

New in our team: Software Engineer Maximilian Moser

We have new colleagues that we would like to introduce here, bit by bit. Max Moser, our man for the new data repository, has been on board since May.

Maximilian Moser in his new office

Photo: Christiane Stork

Max was hired for the work package "Next-Generation Repositories" (AP3) within the BMBWF-funded project FAIR Data Austria, opens an external URL in a new window. He is an HTL and TU Wien graduate and knows from his own experience the value of repositories for the acquisition of data.

For the new data repository, which will be available to all members of the TU Wien by autumn 2021, Max is adapting the new open source software InvenioRDM, opens an external URL in a new window to the conditions and needs of the TU Wien. This includes the integration of various tools and services, such as the TU Wien's single sign-on authentication and a maDMP tool, opens an external URL in a new window, as well as the adaptation and extension of the Invenio metadata schema. The retrieval and storage of additional metadata, which can be TU Wien-, discipline- or even use-case specific, will serve the optimal retrieval of the data stored in the repository. The development of the metadata schemas is demand-oriented and is carried out together with TU Wien’s researchers.

Max is working closely with the project partners at the TU Graz and the University of Innsbruck, who are also currently preparing the InvenioRDM implementation in their institutions. He is also regularly exchanging information with CERN, which is significantly involved in the Invenio development. Max hopes that software extensions that are developed within the FAIR Data Austria project can later be made available to CERN for further development of the InvenioRDM open source software.

Welcome to the team, Max!


Maximilian Moser
TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

+43 (1) 58801 - 406 123