All news at TU Wien

New in our team: FAIR Data Officer Eva-Maria Asamer

We have new colleagues that we would like to introduce here, bit by bit. Eva-Maria Asamer, our “FAIR-Lady”, joined us in July.

[Translate to English:] Foto von Eva-Maria Asamer in ihrem Büro

Photo: Christiane Stork

Eva was hired to help us achieve the goals set out in the BMBWF-funded project FAIR Data Austria., opens an external URL in a new window So she is currently experiencing the TU Wien from a new perspective: After having completed her studies of business mathematics at our university, she has now returned with a passion for data and a backpack full of experiences from her previous job at Statistik Austria.

FAIR National Office

Eva's main task within the work package "Process Development, FDM Training & Support" is to help establishing a FAIR National Office for Austria. In a first workshop, opens an external URL in a new window on this task, the FAIR National Office was defined as an information hub for FAIR data and services. The office should thus act as a platform for a stable flow of information on FAIR topics in both direction: towards local contact points at Austrian research institutions and towards relevant national and international organisations. For the development of the FAIR National Office and other tasks within the project, Eva works closely with the project and cluster partners.

FAIR community and Core Trust Seal

Furthermore, Eva has already successfully started networking within the Austrian and international FAIR community. And last but not least, she keeps an eye on ensuring that the FAIR principles are adhered to when setting up research data services at the TU Wien. Together with colleague Tomasz Miksa, Eva is coordinating the preparations for a later Core Trust Seal application: TU Wien’s data repository, which is also currently being set up in the FAIR Data Austria project, will take into account all criteria that make up a reliable and trustworthy repository from the very beginning and thus should be awarded a corresponding quality seal as soon as possible.

Welcome to the team, Eva!


Eva-Maria Asamer
TU Wien
Center for Research Data Management
Favoritenstraße 16 (top floor), 1040 Vienna

+43 (1) 58801 – 406122