All news at TU Wien

Network meeting: Women in Mobility Austria

Communication and knowledge transfer is also fundamental in the mobility sector! Our colleague Aurelia Kammerhofer was therefore a part of the network meeting!

Announcement WIM: Aurelia Kammerhofer (speaker)

© Women in Mobility

Announcement: Aurelia Kammerhofer, speaker at the 'Women In Mobility' meeting

Women empowering women!

On 12.4.2023, the network Women in Mobility Austria, opens an external URL in a new window invited to discuss approaches for a successful mobility transformation and brought eight women from the Austrian mobility community onto the stage. One of them was our colleague Aurelia Kammerhofer, who gave a flash talk about our Mo.Hub, opens an external URL in a new window project.

Thank you for the inspiring evening at the ÖBB Innovation Factory!