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Announcement of Network Infrastructure Maintenance Works in HK0410A (Favoritenstrasse 16)

Due to the renewal of network infrastructure devices in HK0410A (Favoritenstrasse 16), short outages of network connectivity will occur on the floors HKEG and HK04 between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, Sepütember 15th, 2022.

The network switches will be replaced by more recent devices and uplink bandwidth will increase.

The following building areas are affected:

Favoritenstraße 16 / HK04, HKEG

The following services will be interrupted for ca. 1 to 2 minutes within the maintenance: Computers, Printers, Landline Phones.

WLAN Access Points face an outage duration of ca. 5 minutes each.

If you have any questions or problems relating to the announced works, please contact the respective TUnet release agent of your institute / division or