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Natural hazard risk management and spatial planning - Master's project report

Cover of the Master's project report 2020

The Master's project on natural hazard risk management and spatial planning was offered in the winter semester 2019/20. This overall report documents the results produced by the students as part of this Master's project. The topic of the Master's project is more relevant than ever: Dealing with natural hazards is a major challenge for many regions worldwide, the importance of which will continue to increase in the future as a result of the climate crisis.

The Master's project Natural Hazard Risk Management and Spatial Planning builds on thematically similar Master's projects that have been offered in recent years in cooperation by the research departments of Soil Policy and Soil Management and Local Spatial Planning of TU WIen and the Salzburg Provincial Government, Department of Protective Water Management. In response to the planning challenges posed by increasing natural disasters, advanced spatial planning students have been dealing for years with the complex and challenging question of what contribution preventive (spatial) planning can make to effectively counteracting natural hazards through a bundle of forward-looking, integrated and coordinated measures.

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