All news at TU Wien

Sustainable Construction - Expert Talk "America First, Austria Förster."

In the Online Expert Talk of the Sustainable Construction program, experts discussed the use of sustainable materials in our built environment.

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NHB Expert Talk 2020 - Amerika First, Austria Förster

In our Online Expert Talk, which took place on October 15, 2020 as part of the university course "Sustainable Construction", we talked about the use of sustainable materials in our built environment. What contribution to sustainability do timber construction and greening of buildings make? What are current trends and future developments in this area? What is the current economic and political situation and which projects are currently being implemented in Austria?

DI Susanne Formanek (Managing Director GRÜNSTATTGRAU GmbH), Em.o.Univ.Prof. DDI Wolfgang Winter (Institute for Architectural Sciences Structural Design and Timber Engineering, TU Wien) and Dr. Herbert Starmühler (publisher Holzmagazin) discussed together with moderator Ass.Prof.i.R. DI Dr. Karin Stieldorf (Institute for Architecture and Design, Working Group for Sustainable Building at the TU Wien and academic director of the certificate course and MEng program Sustainable Construction)

The entire Expert Talk can now be found on YouTube >> click here for the video., opens an external URL in a new window


University Course Sustainable Construction

Details of the certificate course and MEng program Sustainable Construction can be found at

For the next program start on 5.11.2020, registrations are still possible for a short time!